Grenada Inspired Cupcakes

Happy 46th Anniversary of Independence Grenada!


On February 7th 1974 Grenada became an independent nation. As you can see from our flag, the nutmeg is an integral part of who we are. Grenada is the Isle of Spice, the Spice Island, and the Spice of the Caribbean. But did you know that Grenada is also a chocolate country? 
Grenada, the Chocolate Spice Island as I’m now calling us, is home to five tree-to-bar chocolate companies producing quality chocolate bars from fine Grenadian cocoa. They are Belmont Estate Chocolate, Crayfish Bay Organic Chocolate, Grenada Chocolate Company, Jouvay Chocolate and Tri-Island Chocolate. While five chocolate companies in such a small geographic space might seem excessive, each chocolate company creates a unique experience for every palate.  

So nutmeg + Grenada chocolate = winning combination, right?

Well, to be honest, I didn’t always know this.  However, one day, two scoops of ice-cream set me on the right path. 

Chocolate and nutmeg ice cream
If I were ever asked to capture the essence of Grenada with ice-cream, it would be this chocolate and nutmeg combo from the House of Chocolate.

Sitting down enjoying my Grenada ice-cream got me thinking. Could I recreate this in cupcake form and make Grenada inspired cupcakes?
Grenada inspired cupcake
Lots of chocolate and spice in this cupcake!

For my Grenada inspired cupcakes I whipped up my go-to chocolate cupcake recipe from The Stay At Home Chef. I used Belmont Estate’s cocoa powder and traded vanilla extract for mixed essence. The buttercream is a standard American buttercream, and this is where I spiced things up. My initial plan was to add flavour to the buttercream using  La Grenade Liqueur. (Buttercream with a kick!) There’s a big nutmeg on the bottle, so I thought it would be perfect! Except the liqueur tastes more like citrus than nutmeg. Yes, the buttercream was nice but it didn’t deliver the spicy flavour that I wanted. To remedy this I sprinkled in ground cinnamon and grated in some nutmeg, and voilà! Grenada in a cupcake. 
“But Alyssa, this cupcake tastes just like the ice-cream we had by the beach that day.” Mission accomplished! 
How would you capture the essence of your home in a cupcake? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Sacha February 8, 2020 at 10:11 am

    Okay, first of all yumminess to the extreme. Your spice chocolate island treats were a perfect blend of what makes this island unforgettable. I wouldn’t have changed a thing! Now for my completely self serving quest. Do you have any more?

    1. Alybiz February 9, 2020 at 12:50 pm

      Thanks Sacha! Don’t worry, I’ll hook you up soon!

  2. Katherine A MacNeil February 8, 2020 at 1:05 pm

    Sounds delicious. Visiting the Grenada Chocolate factory was one of the best memories of our visit to Grenada. The beautiful aroma in the little house is still in my memory.

    1. Alybiz February 9, 2020 at 12:51 pm

      It’s such a fascinating place. And we’ve got 4 more for you to visit on your next trip!

  3. Pingback: New Zealand Inspired Cupcakes • Adventures of an Island Girl

  4. Pingback: The Cocoa Revolution: A Grenada Chocolate Story • Adventures of an Island Girl

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