A New Adventure For This Island Girl

“So where are you going to go?” they all ask. “I don’t know yet,” I say. 
This isn’t your typical travel story. It’s the story of a woman, who, for as long as she can remember, has wanted to use her words to share the spirit of the places she’s been and the people she’s met.
Long before her blog, she kept a scrapbook filled with thoughts about the sights and sounds, tastes and treats of Paris and Normandy, Cayenne and Kourou, Bridgetown and Castries. Years later, Adventures of an Island Girl stored the memories of Sonoma and New Orleans, Sydney and the Blue Mountains, Barcelona, Warsaw and Prague. But there was something missing. She knew she needed to be all in, but it wasn’t the right time for a new adventure…yet.
Living in Grenada, a country so small it seldom appears on maps, where the cost of living is high and the salaries don’t match, leaving security and stability to pursue creativity is rare. However, that’s what I’ll be doing in a few months. If I want to be, then I have to go do it.
“So where are you going?” they all ask. “I don’t know yet,” I say, as I submit my resignation letter. “But I’m going.”
I wrote these few paragraphs while free writing a response to the essay prompt ‘A Leap Into The Unknown’ for a World Nomads travel writing scholarship application in March 2019, just a few days after submitting my letter of resignation from the teaching position I had held for the last 5 years. Going against the norm, I didn’t have another opportunity lined up. I wasn’t planning to go back to school, and I wasn’t migrating to go get married. You see, I didn’t even have much of a plan; just a dream to see the world and write about it.
And so, here I am on a new adventure to share stories inspired by the places around me. I can’t wait to show you where it takes me.

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  1. Mikheal November 4, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    Can’t wait to

    Looking forward to what I know will be nothing short of epic!!

    1. alybiz November 17, 2019 at 3:10 am

      Thank you! Lot’s of new adventures coming soon 🙂

  2. Janette November 24, 2019 at 4:12 pm

    Dear dear Alybiz,
    I’m so excited to read about your adventures & vicariously travel through your journeys. Looking forward to all of it. Hugs

    1. alybiz November 27, 2019 at 5:12 pm

      Thank you! 🙂


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