I walked through the gates of the Virginia State Fair and the unmistakable smell of popcorn led me to the first booth at the fair. Caramel apples, kettle corn popcorn, cotton candy… “Focus Alyssa!” I had to tell myself. I was on a mission. A mission to taste deep fried Oreos.
My fascination with deep fried Oreos stems from a marathon of Deep Fried Paradise. Whether salty, sweet or vegetable there was no discrimination; everything was deep fried. There must’ve been some reason why one would want to deep fry one’s dessert, so naturally I wanted to explore all the fuss — and what better place to do it than a state fair.

While on my quest for the Oreos, I consulted a sign post for directions: Theater, BMX Stunt show, Racing Pigs..wait what? Forget Oreos, I wanted to see pigs race! Apparently the racing pigs were a big attraction because when I got to the tent it was packed! I heard some commotion but I didn’t get to see any racing. Maybe next time.
Ok. Back to the Oreos.
So after a quick tour of the heritage village, a steak pita and some really good lemonade, I stumbled upon what seemed to be the king stand of all things deep fried. On offer were deep fried… (deep breath) pickles, green beans, mac & cheese, PB&J sandwiches, Twinkies, Ho Hos, Snickers, cherry/apple/pecan pie, cheesecake, Kool-aid and of course Oreos.
As much as I had been excited to finally taste this deep fried Oreo, I must admit I was a bit hesitant when I received my order. Deep fried Oreos look anything but appetizing, even with the dusting of icing sugar. I was tempted to use my napkin to soak up some of the grease, but that would’ve defeated the entire idea of the treat. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I had already gotten so far……
The deep fried Oreo actually tasted really good. The outside was sweet like funnel cake, and the Oreo itself was soft and warm. It wasn’t a “best thing I’ve ever had in life” moment and not something I would eat on a regular basis, but the quest was worth it and I’ve satisfied my curiosity for the time. (I have no desire to taste the deep fried cheesecake)
Unfortunately, I didn’t capture my own reaction to my first time deep fried Oreo eating experience. But, since you’re most likely reading several years later, take a look at my deep-fried kiwifruit experience from my 2019 NZ Adventure!
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I feel my own arteries clogging just from watching that video.
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