When I went to my first NASCAR race in October, I never thought I would be going to another race so soon, much less becoming practically part of it. So when I arrived at Credentials at the Homestead…
Let’s Go Light the National Christmas Tree
Sometimes I think that the random adventure gods know about this blog and they help me get as much content as possible. At least that’s the explanation I came up with when I won five…
Ordinary people. Extraordinary courage. Stories that inspire
Not every adventure makes you laugh. Some adventures are more serious – they require reflection and make you appreciate everything around you. November 14th, 2011 was one such adventure. I headed to the John F….
Do The Gator Chomp Y’all
So my friend Nikki was convinced I needed to add a college football game watching party to my list of adventures. Nikki’s serious about her college sports; you see she’s from Gainesville, Florida – home…
You Want Me To Write That By Hand?
Sometime in July or early August this year I applied for the United Nations Young Professionals Programme, not really thinking much of it since I had been applying for practically every single job with the word…
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
I had already written and published this post, but the little blog goblins must have gotten in and done something. Ok, fine. I managed to delete the body of the post, but Kelly saved the…
A Tale of Deep Fried Oreos and Racing Pigs
I walked through the gates of the Virginia State Fair and the unmistakable smell of popcorn led me to the first booth at the fair. Caramel apples, kettle corn popcorn, cotton candy… “Focus Alyssa!” I…
Drivers, Start Your Engines!
On a very early, cold and windy Sunday morning I headed up to Dover, Delaware with my co-workers. The trip was uneventful, except for the few wrong turns that had the little blue dot on…
Super-Intern Strikes Again
Being the gung-ho, ready for anything person that I am (really what was I thinking?) I graciously agreed to be volunteered to be part of The Rope Master James Thompson’s act. They said something about being on…
LA Live!!!
I arrived at AARP for the first day of my internship not too sure of what to expect. Little did I know that I would be thrust straight into the trenches that was the preparation…