LA Live!!!

I arrived at AARP for the first day of my internship not too sure of what to expect. Little did I know that I would be thrust straight into the trenches that was the preparation for the 2011 Life@50+ National Member event in Los Angeles. I went straight to work on the seemingly tiny – but very necessary – tasks of stringing lanyards on badges, sorting tickets and preparing Board books. All typical “intern” duties, but this intern got to go to LA!
On arrival in LA, I was greeted by a gentleman holding a sign with my name on it [insert loud dancehall DJ horn sound] and we headed to the hotel. I knew the Event was happening in the vicinity of LA Live, but it wasn’t until we got to the hotel that it dawned on me that I was going to be staying (for a week) in LA Live. I missed the Emmy’s by a day, but awesome was still in the air.
During my summer internship at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center I witnessed several conventions but I never imagined how much detail goes into staging a production of this magnitude. Everything, from the Board members’ schedules to registration, the exhibit floor, speakers and concerts was strategically planned and executed. It was hard work – reporting for work at 7 every morning and staying until late, but I got to experience every aspect of the event. Not to mention the random celebrity sightings. I confirmed that I am as tall as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s waist, saw Richard Simmons singing along to Nicki Minaj, walked past Charlie Sheen and met stood silently in front of Tim Gunn. I did eventually manage to get out a feeble “hi”. So much for my “make it work” introduction. And how could I forget the flash mob!
One thing I know for sure is that the 50+ crowd knows how to party… they danced the electric slide and did the salsa on the plaza and danced on the ceiling with Lionel Richie. I couldn’t keep up!!!

Working the Red Carpet at the Movies for Grown Ups premiere of The Way


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  1. Joshua October 4, 2011 at 1:16 am

    An ordinary lowly intern is not graced with a walkie talkie. Instead they must run from place to place, carrying messages from afar. You, Alyssa, have been bestowed the honor of Super Intern and all the technology the title beholds.

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