Island Girl Musings: A Love Letter To My Blog

Ten years ago, on September 30th 2011, I published my first Adventures of an Island Girl post.

love letter to my blog
It’s my blog-a-versary!

To commemorate this accomplishment of 10 years of Adventures of an Island Girl awesomeness, I’d like you to read this love letter to my blog.

Love letter to my blog

Dear Blog,
The idea of you came to me ten years ago while sitting at my desk at work. I had just returned from a whirlwind week at AARP’s Life@50+ national event in Los Angeles and I wanted to do more than share the photos of my experience on Facebook. I had written a few blog posts as assignments in grad school so I figured I knew what I was doing. Google’s blogspot platform was free and before I could talk myself out of it, you were born. Granted your first name was Island Girl on an Adventure, but I’m glad that it didn’t stick. Just doesn’t have the same ring to it, you know.

love letter to my blog
Quick photo op at the event that led to Adventures of an Island Girl

For the next year, when I wasn’t hitting up the NASCAR circuit, you remained my inspiration to explore DC and do all the things, like jump out of a plane. You helped me cope when I lost my best friend. And when my OPT came to an end you helped me process that I wasn’t just returning home; I was starting a new adventure.
love letter to my blog
Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia 2012

Together, we survived my period of (F)unemployment. You know, you’re probably the reason Mom didn’t get too angry that I burned her pot trying to make kettle corn popcorn. You celebrated with me when I finally secured a full-time position, though I wonder if you knew that our time together would soon be limited.
Dear blog, you stuck with me, silently cheering me on even though I only posted a few times a year, some years only once. I’m not proud, but I’m grateful we never gave up on each other.

In 2019 when I was exhausted and wanting more, you reminded me of a dream I once had — to travel the world and write about it. You were on my mind when I submitted my letter of resignation and every time when I tried to talk myself out of it.

The world awaited me.


Alybiz in Hobbiton
Hobbiton, New Zealand 2019

And then the world closed.

To be honest, I didn’t want anything to do with you. The posts I had been excited to finish sat as drafts. How could I be a travel blogger when the world was in crisis?
Fortunately you weren’t done with me yet.

Screenshot of the intro page to my essay that appeared in the July 2020 edition of  Mélange magazine.


Dearest blog, the last ten years have been incredible. We’ve laughed together, cried together, tried new things together and, most importantly, grown up together. You’re still not making me any money, but that’s ok, we’re working on it.
Love always,
Alyssa – the island girl on an adventure

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  1. Josh September 30, 2021 at 9:31 am

    Happy blogaversary, Biz and Blog.

    1. Alybiz September 30, 2021 at 10:24 am

      Thank you!

  2. Kelly September 30, 2021 at 12:57 pm

    I love this! I can’t wait to see what the next ten years will bring. We’ll be silently and audibly cheering for you every step of the way.

    1. Alybiz September 30, 2021 at 1:17 pm

      Thank you! <3

  3. Pingback: 10 Lessons From 10 Years of Blogging • Adventures of an Island Girl

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