Quarter Century

Holy crap I’m 25! When did that happen????????

Saturday, June 2nd was my 25th birthday and for the last few months I had stopped saying that I was 24. Instead I would say, “I’ll be 25 in June.” So, when June 1st finally rolled around, it really hit me – I’m twenty-five years old. Don’t worry, I’m not about to plunge into some weird quarter life crisis, but I’m even more thankful for life and grateful for everyone who has been on this journey with me.

With all of that said, let’s recap the weekend.

I had big plans for celebrating my 25th birthday, starting on Friday with the outdoor concert at Yards Park. My friends and I were supposed to spend the evening lazing around on picnic blankets, listening to the reggae sounds of Sam-O (it was Caribbean night), eating cheese and engaging in idle chatter. Mother Nature, however, had different plans and flood, thunderstorm and eventually tornado warnings resulted in the organizers cancelling the concert. Boo.

At midnight on the 2nd, when I was already in bed, I heard my brother and sister-in-law pounding up the stairs. Thinking something was wrong, I started to get worried. They barged into my room singing “Happy Birthday” and making all sorts of noise. They’re just lucky I didn’t fall off my bed.

The next morning, after a night of rain and some thunder, the sun came out in all its glory. The sky was blue and the birds were chirping and I was off to spend the day at the Vintage Virginia Wine Festival with the girls. We got to the festival around 11 and started our day of wine tasting. Reds, whites, dry, sweet, semi-sweet, dessert, white chocolate and red chocolate, and even a spicy chili wine – we tried them all. My favourites, though, were an apple wine from Hill Top Berry Farm & Winery  and the white hanover from James River Cellars.


Wait! The birthday weekend’s not done yet. Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump
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