When it came my turn to select the cities for our Eurotrip, Warsaw was at the top of my list. My grandfather was from Poland, but he died before my third birthday — much too…
Browsing Category Travel
That Time I Fell In Love With Prague
Picking up from where we left off several months not too long ago, the adventures of 2 Grenadians and Google Translate continue in Prague, Czech Republic! The next stop on our Eurotrip adventure, Prague, was…
Barcelona in 26,000 Steps
If you haven’t already read Adventures of An Island Girl: EuroTrip Edition, go read it and then come back here. So what do you do when you’ve only got one day to explore the magnificent…
Adventures of An Island Girl: EuroTrip Edition
15 days. 4 countries. 2 Grenadians and Google Translate. When I got the book 1,000 Places To See Before You Die as a Christmas gift in 2015, I immediately started checking off the places I had…
Snow Angel
“Yuh leave good good Grenada to come in Canada in December…” After a particularly intense and frustrating semester that didn’t seem to end soon enough, I decided that I needed a break, not just…
Taste the Feeling
As an undergraduate student at St. George’s University, whenever people heard that I was a Liberal Studies major, their first question was always “what can you do with that?” Or “so you’re going to teach?” when…
When The Black Clouds Turn Pink
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by lightning. Though to be honest, I don’t think ‘fascinated’ fully captures my feelings towards it. I am by no means not afraid of…
Somewhere New: Lexington, KY
Greetings from Lexington, Kentucky – The Bluegrass State! Sometime last year I promised myself that I would try to visit at least one new place a year, so here I am writing this from…
When I ran away to DC for Easter last year, my plan was to experience the city that I had lived in from the point of view of a tourist. I did a nighttime monument…
The Great Manhattan Adventure
Some time ago I took a Buzzfeed quiz called How Many Famous Tourist Attractions Have You Seen. My score? A dismal 15/68. Ok, it’s not really that dismal, considering the list doesn’t include places that…