Farewell 2014: A Year in Review

Today, December 31st, I say good-bye to 2014 as I prepare to welcome 2015. It’s hard to believe that 12 months passed by so quickly, but 2014 was a good year. It wasn’t without the usual ups and downs, of course, but if given the chance to do it over, I wouldn’t change a thing. Well, I might have actually continued going to the gym, and I would have tried to write more.
This post isn’t a proper “Year in Review” because that would just be too long, so I’ve just pulled together some highlights to share with you. I didn’t blog for the first half of 2014, but once the semester ended and I caught my bearings, I tried to get back into the blogosphere just bringing everyone up to speed with what I had been doing for the last 6 months. You can read the Blog is Back post here.  The Food Adventure to rival all previous food adventures followed, but shortly after I fell off the wagon again.
As I was putting together the photos for this blog post, I realized that I had almost finished a post about Spicemas 2014. I don’t even remember now why I never finished it, but thinking back, it probably wasn’t a very good reason. Spicemas 2014 was, by far, my favourite. We had a fantastic time. By the end of it, I had a swollen toe and an absent voice – evidence of a Spicemas well played.

J’ouvert morning with the Trinis – Jarrod and Naila. Photo by Arthur Daniel.


Pretty Mas with Commancheros & Associates. Photo by Arthur Daniel


My Spicemas 2014 super-selfie board pt 1!


Spicemas 2104  super-selfie board pt 2

2014 also marked the 10th anniversary of my graduation from St. Joseph’s Convent, St. George’s. To celebrate the momentous occasion, and lament about how quickly the time is passing, a small group of us got together over food and drinks.

SJCSG Class of 2004. Photo by Khari Outram.

By the time the new semester started I felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation. I definitely wasn’t prepared for what was in store for me. This semester kicked my butt. I had a group of students who challenged me every day, but that’s what I signed up for, right?

Photo by Joshua Yetman

At the end of October, the SGU community gathered for a family photo. I rearranged class that day so we could all participate in the family photo. Before heading to the photo site though, I asked Josh to take a photo of my College Reading class, so here they are, my Fall 2014 College Reading students plus a few extra students.  They were a good bunch, and I wish them well in their future courses.
Well, I think that’s it for now. Thank you all again for supporting my blog, even though I haven’t been the most consistent blogger. It really means a lot when readers approach me to say how much they enjoy my blog. It makes what I’m doing worth it, and I can’t really ask for much more.
So, I wish you lots of love and laughter for 2015. May all your dreams come true, and may I stick to my diet.
Best wishes,

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