Grown-up Gap Year Adventures: A Quick Guide

If I were to ask you about taking a gap year, you, like I did, are probably going to think, “that’s young people ting.” You’re probably imagining teenagers delaying the start of university or a career to backpack through Europe or South America, because that’s what we saw in the movies. For many Caribbean people, after finishing our education, we’re expected to get straight to work, and then work, and work, and work some more. A number of factors affect this, such as high costs of living and low salaries. As a result, the idea of just taking a break from work when you’re an adult is unheard of and, for many, seems far-fetched.
When I first started thinking about leaving my job at the university, I dismissed it as me just being overwhelmed by the stacks of papers needing to be graded. “I’ll be fine once the semester ends and I can go on holiday.” Except, a new semester would start and I’d still be overwhelmed. After a few more semesters of this, the desire to leave grew even stronger. But what was I leaving to do?
I didn’t figure out my exit plan until late 2018. I submitted my letter of resignation in March 2019, and in June I removed my name from the office door ready to begin my grown-up gap year adventure. My plan? To travel the world and write!
With the world on pause right now, this year of travel is more like my year of staying home to write. Not mad, though.
Since I’ve been on my gap-year, I’ve fielded several questions about how I made it happen. So let’s answer some of these questions:

  1. Adults do this? Yes! To be honest, I didn’t know the concept existed before I met Shida from Shida’s on the Loose who provides gap-year guidance for the “grown and exhausted.” A quick Google search reveals several articles about why you should take an adult or grown-up gap year. This isn’t surprising as we are recognising the risks and complications associated with burnout. More of us are also coming to realise that there is more to be enjoyed from life than going to work and coming back home

  3. Weren’t you scared? Terrified, actually. Convinced the confused looks I kept getting were signs I was making the wrong move, there were more than a few moments when I questioned my decision. Was I really ready to leave behind stability and financial security? I’m crazy to be doing this now. Can I take back my resignation? But, as my seamstress pointed out “following your dream isn’t crazy. Not taking the chance to believe in your dream is what is.”

  5. What was the planning process like? To answer this question, I present to you my abbreviated 5 Step Guide to Quitting Your Job For A Grown-up Gap Year Adventure:

Step 1: Assess your current situation

Conduct an audit of your obligations, responsibilities and finances. You might have little humans depending on you for survival, student loans or a mortgage. Whatever they are, you must take into account all the responsibilities that don’t stop just because you left your job.

Step 2: Identify your grown-up gap year goals

This is the fun part! Make a wish list of all the things you’ve wanted to do. It could be moving to France for a language immersion programme, sailing the Ionian Sea or cultivating your woodwork skills. You might be interested in attending carnivals around the world, hiking in Patagonia, learning traditional Italian cuisine or conducting biodiversity research in the Galapagos.
Then, research the costs associated such as tuition, travel, accommodation, visa fees, etc. with your wish list. See how they align with Step 1, and this will help you determine what you’ll do and for how long. Everyone’s situation is different, so while you may not be able to take an entire year off, your gap time could be 3 months or 6 weeks.

Step 3: Start saving

Before you can quit your job and embark on your grown-up gap year adventure, you should have enough saved to cover all the expenses of your trip as well as the mandatory obligations during the time you’ll be away. You should also have a 3 – 6 month savings cushion for your return. It’s a lot. I know. And it’ll require sacrifices, but please don’t add stress and fatigue by adding another 11 jobs to your plate. We’re trying to avoid the burnout, not make it happen faster.

Step 4: Set a date

It might be one year from now or three, but set your departure date and work towards it. Establish milestones and watch your excitement build as you meet them.

Step 5: Leave room for change

Give yourself permission to change your mind about your plans. Remember, this is your grown-up gap time adventure, not anyone else’s. So don’t take on anyone’s “I thought you said you were going to…” criticisms.
My first plan was to visit every continent. Then, I wanted to explore as many countries as I could where I didn’t need a visa. But then, I got accepted to a summer writing course in Paris. And then, I had to learn (the hard way) that plans are going to change whether you want them to or not. I see you ‘Rona, I see you.
Taking an extended break from work isn’t going to be possible for everyone, but when the world does open up for us to experience it again, think about where you want to go. That way, when vacation time comes around, instead of going back to [insert that place you go every year], you’ll be ready to try somewhere new.
Need some travel inspiration? Don’t be afraid to reach out. I’m happy to share!


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  1. Michelle April 25, 2020 at 5:43 pm

    I did this for 2 years. I had little contracts during the period, to help finance my cricket travels, where I wrote several articles and did many interviews of cricketers.
    Best 2 years of my life!

  2. Stacey April 25, 2020 at 7:09 pm

    I loved this. Its so relatable on do many levels. Like a nap/ or time-out for grown ups— which every scientist on the planet says makes us better able to cope and self-diagnose. Why should only the young, who don’t always appreciate it be the only ones that benefit.

    1. Alybiz April 26, 2020 at 5:45 pm

      Thanks Stacey! You’re so right – let’s take advantage of these grown-up nap times! 😀

  3. Darrell Simon December 28, 2020 at 6:49 pm

    Hello Alyssa, i recently found your blog and ive just been looking through.

    I found this article interesting as this is usually something you see on youtube , under the travel vlog sections.

    You mentioned that we could reach out , what do you think is an interesring places to make plans to travel to for someone who has really only been to Trinidad & Tobago and St.Lucia ? Places that are fun and unique

    1. Alybiz December 29, 2020 at 2:43 pm

      Hi Darrel, thank you for reaching out!

      There are so many places to go that narrowing it down can seem like a big task! What kind of travel are you thinking of – friends, family or solo? That’ll be one of the first things to think about. Then, think about how much time you have to travel and also your comfort level with different languages, etc.

      I think since international travel is still so uncertain, that sticking to regional travel may be best for right now. There’s so much to explore and discover right here in the Caribbean. For me, I have Guadeloupe, Belize, Curacao and St. Marten at the top of my list.

      If you’re thinking a bit further away, check out group trips offered by companies like Intrepid Travel and G Adventures. They’ll spark some ideas about what is possible out there.

      I hope this helps!

      1. Darrell Simon December 29, 2020 at 6:20 pm

        Thanks for replying.

        With regard to the type of travel, I am thinking more solo or family.

        Okay those suggestions sound nice , i will look into them. Do you have any particular individuals( like youtubers for example) who you think do a great job of highlighting those countries in our region which you mentioned?

        Also what advice regarding travel and gap years would you give for someone who has basically just entered their twenties ?

        Thanks again

        1. Alybiz January 4, 2021 at 2:46 pm

          Two bits of advice for you: 1) start saving now. You may have just started working or are still in school, so you may not be able to put aside too much, but it means that when you are ready to go you’ll have something to work them. 2) Look into study/volunteer abroad programs and opportunities. There are even scholarships available for them! This is where Google comes in. Take some time to search for the opportunities and start applying. Good luck!

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