Night-time DC Monument Tour

I’m here in DC and I feel a little deceived. I thought it was supposed to be Spring?! This time last year I had already put away my coat and was heading to work in a cardigan and scarf. Now, I’m layering up and trying not to freeze. Still, I’m glad to be back. My goal for this trip? To be a tourist in the city where I’d lived for two years starting with a nighttime tour of my favorite DC monuments.
On Tuesday evening I met Ashwini, Kelly and Nikki for dinner at Hill Country Barbecue Market and then we went in search of the magical Walgreens in Chinatown. This Walgreens is one of their new flagship stores and it is indeed magical. In addition to everything looking shiny and new, there are three levels, a smoothie bar, sandwich bar, and manicure stations. Magical.

On the way to the magical Walgreens in Chinatown


When I lived in the city I always wanted to visit the DC monuments at night, but never got around to it. Since there was a full moon on Wednesday, this was my chance! Except I didn’t anticipate how cold it was going to be nor the number of people who also thought a night time monument tour during a full moon was an awesome idea. Despite the cold and the crowd, it was worth it.
Here are some pictures from my nighttime, full moon DC monument tour!

DC monuments
Lincoln Memorial in the distance


DC monuments
World War II memorial


DC monuments



DC monuments


Night-time monument tour? Check! Up next, pandas! 

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