A Broadway First

It’s hard to believe that until a few weekends ago I had never seen a show on Broadway. When my sister-in-law’s mom found out she thought it was ridiculous. When she got some tickets to Cirque du Soleil, she invited me up to New York. I was ecstatic.
When I got to New York, Auntie Magalie told me that we weren’t going to see Cirque du Soleil anymore (it was a struggle trying to hide the disappointment) but that she got tickets to go to Phantom of the Opera instead. She said I needed to experience a real broadway show and we were off to the Majestic Theater.
It was a full house and the show was amazing. A little long… you see I tend to get restless after an hour or so, but I managed to keep my inner 6 year old in check. I thoroughly enjoyed the music but I think for my next broadway outing I’ll prefer to see a production with a little bit more dance. Nevertheless, I am happy to cross Phantom of the Opera off of my super-long list of things to see in life. Thanks Auntie Magalie for making this happen! To complete the experience, after the show we crossed the street and went to Sardi’s for after Broadway dessert. Yum!
Wait! Don’t think I didn’t get to see Cirque du Soleil.
A few days after I got back to DC, Kelly texted me frantically. The conversation went something like this:
Kelly: Do you want to go see Cirque du Soleil tonight? Taurra gave me tickets!!!!
Alyssa: YES
Alyssa: Wait, how will we get there?
Kelly: We’ll figure that out later

It was only after we finished work that day that we realized we had no idea how we were going to get to and from National Harbor. We were determined to get there though, so we hopped on a train and then a bus and then a shuttle bus to the Plateau at National Harbor where Cirque du Soleil Totem was showing.
Side note: The waterfront at National Harbor is gorgeous in the evening. I highly recommend it.

Sunset and The Awakening at National Harbor


Cirque du Soleil Totem

Since we were at the mercy of public transportation, we could only stay for the first half of the show. As much as we wanted to stay neither of us were up for being stranded at Branch Avenue.
That first half was incredible. It amazes me what these performers can do with their bodies. I have such respect for them. If you ever get the chance to see Cirque du Soleil – go for it. You won’t regret it. Thanks again Taurra!


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